From Firefly to Neverland

Has it really been 13 years since I last updated this blog? Damn! Time flies while life goes on. I actually forgot I started this blog while I was a Firefly role player and I spent the evening reading my posts. Damn, I was impressed. I was actually pretty good. Not write my own book and sell it good but good for short stories maybe. So much of my life has passed by. My nephew, the love of my life, came out as trans at 13. My whole life has been in support of him and his dreams whatever they are. He graduated this year which made me sob but in a good way. He's a smart kid with his whole life ahead of him. My brother's kids are smart cookies as well, I love them all so damned much. My father passed in 2018 from lung cancer and the effects of agent orange. Our relationship was never truly mended. I still think of him and in a way miss him. I had some health issues last year but Im feeling better now. Lost weight and am more active. I dont know what I am going to do with t...