Death Of Childhood

There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends, I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life, I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life, I'll love you more

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life, I'll love you more

In My Life – The Beatles

Bel screamed out the door of the Nightingale to the tribe, shoving as many as she could into the small transport. Nina and the other warriors held off the Reavers while Bel scurried as many as she could fit onto the small ship, trying to shove 60 odd women, children and men into her small ship took some doing. Taia and Jonas was in the snug in the gunnery seat, the young girl cradling her son in her arms as she sobbed in mourning, her young husband one of the first to perish in the assault. Bel’s heart ached for the young girl, but at the moment she was worried about bringing her sayasi to safety as well as the other 10 warriors bravely holding the bloodthirsty monsters away from the innocents. When the last was on board, Bel cried out to her. “Nina! Yasa mai che. Its safe! Sayasi!”

She watched as Nina motioned the others on board, the ship already hovering for takeoff as one young man seemed to know the controls to the ship. She helped the men on board, nearly tossing them in to squeeze in with the others. She turned and looked out the door. “Sayasi!” Her words fell into horror as she watched her sister turn and smile at her, then her eyes widen in shock as the reality hit her. Nina fell forward, a rusted axe imbedded in the back of her skull and a reaver screaming out in victory.

”SAYASI!” Bel grabbed the rifle from a man next to her and aimed at the reaver before shooting it in the forehead. She watched it crumble before she reached over and slammed the door closed, screaming over the cries and murmurs of the people to the young pilot at the helm. “Hashai! Up!” She touched her hand to the bag at her side and murmured a bit; glad she had enough time to retrieve her mother’s remains before Blackburne was completely overrun. She pushed her way through the throng of people before she took over the controls. She checked her scanners and headed for Hale’s, making sure that she wasn’t being followed.

Taia turned in her seat and looked at her, her large doe eyes already red with mourning for her deceased husband. Bel didn’t know if she had the heart to tell her that her blood sister also perished. But a sob broke out from Taia and it was apparent that she knew. So much has been lost. Her home, her childhood. Everything gone. She had burned down her childhood home after digging up her mother’s remains. She would be damned to leave her here after the Reavers took over. She moved the pouch to her lap and held it close to her chest. She didn’t have time to cry; instead she got on the radio, calling out to anyone taking charge of the evacuation on Blackburne, letting them know she got Maiasa Tribe off. She knew their first priority was to get the towns people out. But hers was to get her family off the now totally abandoned moon that used to be her home.

“What do we do now, Sayasi?” Taia murmured as she tried to hush the whimpering Jonas, the dark haired two month old clutching at the young mother’s chest, oblivious to what is going on around him. Bel looked between the two and over her shoulder to the now mourning tribes’ people.

“We start over. Mourn our lost loved ones. Cherish their memories by living everyday. Raise that boy of yours and tell him everyday of his Kauai Nina and his Papa.” Bel choked at the thought of Nina, her hands reaching up to cover her eyes as she took deep shaky breaths while she tried to calm herself. She finally looked at Nina and nodded. “We start over.”

She spent everyday going back and forth, helping the tribes and the people of Blackburne as much as she could. And now she will never be able to go home again.

He saw now that you can't go home again--not ever. There was no road back. Ended for him, with the sharp and clean finality of the closing of a door, was the time of his dark roots, like those of a pot-bound plant, could not be left to feed upon their own substance and nourish their own little self-absorbed designs. Henceforth, they must be spread outward--away from the hidden, secret, and unfathomed past that holds man's spirit prisoner--outward, outward toward the rich and life-giving soil of a new freedom in the wide world of all humanity. And there came to him a vision of man's true home, beyond the ominous and cloud-engulfed horizon of the here and now, in the green and hopeful and still-virgin meadows of the future.
Look Homeward, Angel - Thomas C. Wolfe


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