Oh no.. is General Dancing?

A relationship is like a rose,
How long it lasts, no one knows.
Love can erase an awful past,
Love can be yours, you'll see at last.
To feel that love, it makes you sigh,
To have it leave, you'd rather die.
You hope you've found that special rose
‘Cause you love and care for the one you chose.

- Rob Cella

Bel busied herself with the flowers, turning them this way then that as she talked to herself about the list flashing in her head...






She leaned back and then turned the red roses again before smiling in satisfaction.


She looked around Fook’s and sighed a huge sigh of relief. She used her money mostly on others. The tribe, Blackburne, Hale’s Moon, her new adopted family. And this time she was using it on Seana and Sabrina. Was it really almost a month since she witnessed them marry on Ariel? It seemed like yesterday standing there in the blue dress and watching as the two of the most important people in her lives declared their love.

She blinked out of the reverie as she looked up at the clock and wiped her dusty hands on her jeans. Egads? 1200 hours already? She needed to get ready and get into her dress.

She ran across the way to the med bay to get dressed, knowing full well that she couldn’t take her bike to her apartment and not get dirty. The process was short. She wasn’t much on too much makeup and jewelry. A few strokes of liner and mascara as well as a nice shade of lipstick before pulling on the bracelets that Bridgette got her.

The dress was green and flowy, and it ended just at her knees. With a slip of her wedges on her feet, she brushed her hands along the smooth fabric, making sure the spaghetti straps were secure on her shoulders before she headed up the stairs to the party.

Sobi was in charge of making sure the cake and champagne was not gotten into, and she was glad he was there as when she went in, the place was already filling up. Seana and Sabrina showed up and the room broke out in applause. The blushing and oh so in love couple hugging friends and family as they entered the bar.

Bel had made it a point to throw the party for them as a way of making it up to the friends that couldn’t make it to their wedding. And this was as good a wedding present as Bel could ever give them.

The cortex in her bag buzzed and she smiled at the message, relaying that he would attend as soon as he landed. Her heart skipping a beat as she turned to glance at the door, missing the knowing glances between her sisters.

“So Bel? When are you getting married?” Sabrina smiled as she twirled her wife around the floor, the usually tomboyish mechanic dressed in an elegant green gown.

Bel huffed and shook her head. “No offense, marriage is the kiss of death in my relationships. Engaged once, and that is as far as I am going to go.” She crossed her arms as she leaned against the bar, watching the couples dance and mingle with each other while also congratulating the happy couple.

“We’ve heard that before.” Seana mused as she waltzed with her beloved, the small Mayor of Hale’s Moon looking amazing in a long black and red coat and pants.

“Not getting married, guys.” She knew they knew the situation. They were the only two that knew the identity of the mystery guy that has had the medic preoccupied for the past few weeks.

“Who’s not getting married?” The voice was husky and familiar and it made Bel’s heart jump before she turned and smiled up at him.

“General, glad you could make it back for the party.” Sabrina said as she twirled around her small wife, shaking her bum as the music went up a tempo.

“Sorry I’m late. Unforeseen circumstances.” He mused to Sabrina before smiling down at Bel. “Hey Bel.” He kept his hands at his sides and Bel didn’t reach for him. An unspoken agreement dictating that they wont be like every other couple and fawning over each other. It was a good agreement. Bel was glad for it.

“Are you hungry? Need a drink?” She asked General as she looked up at him. Her hands clasped behind her back as she rocked back on her feet a bit.

He smiled at her and shook his head. “No. Im good.”

“Good. Then we can dance.” She grabbed his hand, a moan of despair coming from him as she dragged him onto the dance floor. “There is no public affection, General. Just dancing.” She grins as she took his hands and placed them on her hips before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “Its just swaying. No fancy footwork.” She grins as she swayed back and forth, the rest of the crowd a haze while she looked up at his face. It was amusing, his partial look of pain as well as discomfort even though his hands griped her hips gently yet securely.

If she had even paid the faintest attention to the crowd that surrounded them, she would see the knowing glances and whispers of the now known information as to why the little red headed medic from Blackburne was glowing and happier than she had ever been in months. Even years.

Who would of thought that the Medic could end up with a guy with enough artillery to take out a small planet?


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