Bel's Phoenix Moment

A family is not just blood and bones. A family is the people that never betray you, share your laughs, your tears and your achievements and your downfalls with open arms. They embrace your quirks, accepting they make you so individual you are unique in the universe. But most of all, they are the people that give you hope on a daily basis that you will have that moment. That moment to shine and prove to the world that you are indeed worth every moment and every instance of love, hope and happiness. Your family is who you embrace into it, and if you are lucky enough, your family will be there for the end of times.

- The Voice

Bel wrapped her arms around him, burying her face against his neck as she took calm breaths. Her eyes squeezed shut while she tried to top her racing heart. She didn’t want to let go, and she knew he didn’t want to either with the way his arms tightened around her while he pressed his face into her hair.

After her tears subsided, she reached up and caressed over his too shaggy hair while looking into his eyes and taking a deep shaky breath.

“Baio-ge. How come everytime I see you I burst into tears?” She sniffed as she hugged him again, pressing herself to him while he hugged her back. She didn’t have any blood family left. None that she wanted to acknowledge anyway. I suppose there was a reason Grandfather turned away one of his daughters. But that was neither here nor there. Not only was that bridge burned, the moon it was on was blown up. There was no going back. And with it, no regrets. Xaviar knew the story. She had talked to him over the cortex over it many of nights, needing someone… anyone to talk to. Not able to bring herself to go to Seana or Sabrina. Knowing they had too much on their plates to deal with her own little problems.

She felt a hand on hers and she clenched it tightly, knowing of only one person who had such delicate hands, yet strong with emotion and determination. The only difference in the hand was the feel of warm metal indicating where the wedding band was. Bridgette was her sister in heart. The same as Sabrina and Seana and Taia. She squeezed the hand tightly before pulling away from her cousin, her hazel eyes darting from his handsome face to her soft and Asian one.

He drew his hand to caress her cheek, and Bel smiled up at him, so enchanted she was with her cousin. She would call it hero worship. Be he was in fact, her last blood relative in the verse. As far as anyone was concerned.

“I don’t know, Baio-mei. You keep ruining my shirts.” His throaty chuckle was echoed by several others behind her and she remembered she wasn’t alone. She looked over his shoulder and pulled Bridgette for a long hug as well before leaning back and signing.

Bridge, how have you been? You got married without me. I would be upset if I wasn’t so happy to see you.

She hugged her again and smiled as she kissed her temple, the simple signing from Bridge only answered with a nod and a smile before she turned to introduce the crew of the Golden Dawn to her Hale’s Moon Family.

They hit it off splendidly, Sabrina and JJ running around the GD’s engine room like two kids in a candy store.

Logan and General talked shop. Or guns really. Going on and on with the gun-ese that it forced everyone else into the commons room. A hot cup of Bridge’s tea passed out to everyone while Seana and Captain Plumb talked about how often the captain can drop off supplies to the small moon now that we were packed with not only the locals, but refugees.

Maggie wandered off to do last minute checks while Bel sat with Xaviar and Bridgette, the happy married couple sitting close enough to be obscene if they were naked.

Bel sipped her tea and languished in its perfection. No offense to Sobi, but Bridgette was always amazing with tea.


Bel looked up with a bit of confusion. “So? What?”

Bridgette shook her head and signed.

Remember, my Kokoro, she doesn’t read minds.

Xaviar shook his hand and smiled at Bridgette before turning to Bel. “So, Belz, Who is he?” He winced. “I mean, are you happy?” He glanced at Bridgette as his hand reached down to assumingly rub at his calf as Bridgette sat there drinking her tea and looking innocent.

Bel watched the exchange with a smile before nodding. “For the first time in a long time, I feel my purpose. I feel happy. I AM happy.”

Xaviar watched her closely before smiling and nodding. “I can actually see that.” He looked satisfied as he hugged his bride to him and he suddenly looked younger than his 32 years.

Bel looked at her tea and smiled, remembering the endless nights with him, the passion and the pleasure. The giggling and teasing mixed with a sexual awareness. She was unaware of her skin flushing, but it didn’t get past Xaviar and Bridgette, the two giggling at her silently.

The rest of the night was filled with festivities, Taia and Jonas finally arriving much to the delight of Bridgette who doted over him, barely giving him up much to the worry of Xaviar. The talk of a baby being born on the ship was widespread in minutes. Her cousin flushing, but knowing full well it will happen at some point.

Bel watched from her seat, smiling while she watched her family and mingle with each other. New friendships formed and new unities forged. It was amazing. And Bel realized with just that moment, it was everything she would ever need. And in that instance, she felt whole.

When Bridgette set out the dinner for family and friends, Bel stood up with a glass of whiskey in her hand and she cleared her throat and all eyes looked to her.

“Tonight, my families met and merged into one huge brood of love. But tonight we are missing a few that I know would love every single one of you.” She took a deep breath before speaking again. “Papa, Mom and Nina. All lost before their time. Lost before they had a chance to see that I finally found the plane of my existence where I am finally happy and whole. With people that love me without reservation. I love you all. Friends and family alike. We may have lost a lot these past few months and years, but we found each other. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.” She raised her glass and smiled. “To my family. Everyone of you.”

The small speech was met with cheers and hears hears as she guzzled down the whiskey and put it on the table, smiling broadly while she looked at each face with love and admiration. Not only did that coin fall, it was glued down. She wasn’t about to go back to how she was. This was her phoenix moment.


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