Stepping Out Into A New Situation

I walk through life with my conscience clear. I have done no wrong that deserves conviction. Yet here I stand, convicted on heresy, my life in your hands and in your own tainted conscience. And at night, when I sleep peacefully, without regret, I will not think of you. But of those souls who have lifted me up, instead of destroying what friendship there could have been. ~ Elizabeth Monroe

Bel stepped off the ship, a man from the ship carrying hers and Taia’s bag while Bel snuggled the sleeping Jonas across her chest. Taia followed behind and looked around in wonder at all the lights and sounds and sights that awaited her at the night strewn Persephone. It was all old news to Bel, having stayed quite awhile on the planet while she took care of business.

As Taia looked around at the new sights and sounds, Bel’s gaze was looking on the stretch car and driver sitting not far from her. His cap under his arm while he watched the people file off the large passenger ship, The Lincoln. She inwardly groaned and sighed as Walter stepped out of the car and smiled at her.

“Miss Belize! Welcome back to Persephone.” He walked up and kissed Bel on the cheek before caressing his hand over Jonas’ sleeping head. “And Little Jonas. Sarah will be tickled to have a baby in the house.”

Bel chuckled softly as she stopped, Taia moving up beside her and smiling at the older gentleman as she spoke. “At this rate, I will never see my son.” She took Jonas from Bel and nodded toward the car. “Is this our ride to your house?” She waited for Walter to nod before she smiled. “I will get the bags and Jonas in the car.” She smiles at Bel before moving off out of hearing range.

Walter looked after the younger girl and smiled before looking back at Bel, his smile faltering a bit before he sighed. “Sorry about the car, Miss Belize. Sarah took the jeep. It was the only car left.” He looked genuinely sorry and Bel shook her head before smiling.

“Its quite alright, Walter. I will see about getting another car.” She walked slowly with him as she spoke. “Has he returned?”

Walter knew what she was talking about and nodded his head. “He returned today. Asking if I had heard from you. I told him what you told me. That you will arrive here soon and to give you a couple days to rest from the trip before setting up a meeting. He left a way to contact him when you want to.”

“Did you get his name?”

“Yes, Miss Belize. Its Alexander Miraconi.”

Bel pulled out her cortex and tapped the name into a message before sending it. A couple of days should be enough time to find out what she needed to know. Knowing a few people on the black market had its advantages. Especially the ones that had ways of finding out things others don’t want you to know.

After the message was sent, Bel reached the car and looked at Walter. “There is something I must tell you, Walter. And I beseech you to never tell a soul. Because if you do, you will put many lives in danger.”

Walter nodded as the driver opened the door for Bel and the lawyer, his ruffled blond hair making him look younger than he probably was. She nodded to the driver before slipping inside, Taia already sitting down with Jonas curled against her side.

The drive to the house was informative. Bel told the story of her cousin, Xaviar and how he was still alive. Out in the Black on a ship that will not be named. He was happy and content and she planned on keeping it that way. She was willing to shoulder everything to keep those around her happy and content. Whether it be her cousin, her tribe, Seana and Sabrina and her other friends. Walter didn’t seem surprised. But he was surprised on how much Bel put on. He furrowed his brows in concern and even voiced that concern that Bel was going to kill herself with all this. Bel shook her head and shrugged, not saying anything, instead looking out the window at the passing scenery.

When they arrived at the house, she saw the jeep parked in the drive and she looked over at Walter, a smile on his face that reminded her of the smiles she sees between Sea and Sabs. Her own lips curled into a small smile as the car turned to park. The driver opened the door and everyone stepped out, Bel smiling as Sarah opened the door. Her long gray hair gone, instead it was replaced with a short coifed hairdo that seemed to enhance her features with their caramel brown locks. She looked 20 years younger.

“Sarah! You are looking amazing.” She wrapped her arms around the older woman and she kissed her on the cheek before whispering into her ear. “Im glad to see you so happy, Sarah.”

The older woman blushed and smiled as she looked past everyone to Walter, her arms wrapped around Bel in a hug that threatened to break a few of her ribs. When Sarah spotted the sleeping baby she let Bel go and walked over to coo at the sleeping child, caressing her fingers over the black curls while she smiled at Taia. “You must be Taia. Blessed child, Aunt Sarah will take care you both. You wont have to worry about a thing.”

Bel chuckled and smiled at Taia as she nodded. “Sarah is a Shepherd. Its in her blood to take care of others.” She grinned as she remembered another reunion and she grimaced a bit before smiling again. The grimace didn’t escape Sarah and she quirked a brow to the younger woman before smiling at Taia and hustling the young mother into the house.

Bel knew she will be having long talks with the woman she considered her second mother. But not tonight. Tonight was meant for sleeping. The past few days have been tiring and she needed to relax before going onto her next step.


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