A Bright New Day (Part 1)

The lights were bright against my eyes as I opened them up. They stung against the glare and they felt heavy and hollow. That feeling you get when you are in a deep sleep for far too long. I felt a dull ache in my head. Not the sharp pains of migraines that have afflicted me for the past month. A dull and almost acceptable ache that told me that I was alive.

I could hear voices. Dull and mumbled voices that I could swear say my name. And the press of a hand against mine. Actually, two hands… on both my hands. Someone was on either side of me. I blinked against the light and I mumbled something. Must have been something about that light because it went away and I could see faces. My eyes focused and I turned to my left to see the worried and white expression of my cousin.

“Baio-mei… Talk to me.” His whispers where husky from worry and I could tell he barely slept from the circles under his eyes.

“You look like go-se, Baio-ge.” I muttered and he laughed, squeezing my hand and kissing my cheek and forehead.

I felt the squeeze on my other hand and I turned my head slowly to look into the beautiful green eyes of Bridgette.

She used her free hand to sign my name and then asked me how I was feeling.

“Im okay, Baio-sao. Achy head, but nothing an aspirin or two can fix.” I squeezed her hand and she kissed me on my forehead before smiling at Xav. She signed that she will tell the others and to give us time alone before she left.

Xav helped me up and took off the bandage. The operation was a success. The tumor lying almost peacefully against my brain. It came off with no effort. No damage done to my brain that he can see. It was if it was ready to be removed. He asked me if I wanted to see it. No… I was good. Do with it what he wants. Im sure he wanted to study it or something. He said the scarring was minimal; the lasers fused the bone and skin into almost perfection. He seemed happy to acquire Alliance medical equipment. Knowing full well that anything other would have killed me or left me scarred.

He proceeded to ask me all kinds of questions. My name and age, parents, birthday. The date and if I could read the clock. His name and Bridgette’s name. Memories and thoughts. Feelings and desires.  It all seemed so intrusive. But he wanted to make sure that I was okay. 

Then he asked me if I could see the colors again. No.. still black and white. But he didn’t seem so worried. Just said it could be from my brain resetting itself and then there is the healing process.

The others came in a rush, flurrying around me and hugging me. Even Maggie sniffled and hugged me tightly before bounding off to the cockpit.

I thought about Immi and Td and Sabrina and Seana and what would they do if they see me like this? Immi is gonna kill me when she sees me. I left her behind. But she had to dance with Td. I have no regrets on that one.

As soon as I was released from Xav’s care he told me the bad news. Plumb was itching to go to the other side of the verse. Seemed he had some business on Deadwood. And the sooner he left Blackburne the better.

I hugged everyone, not knowing when or if I will see anyone again. JJ gave me a piece of the engine of Golden Dawn and told me that he will miss me. I told him I hoped the ship didn’t need this particular part. He laughed and said no… it didn’t. Then he rushed off to the engine room.

Maggie and Plumb were not ones for gooey talk, so I let them be. Telling Xav to let them know I will miss them.

Logan just watched me before he crossed the room and hugged me. He pressed his cheek against mine and whispered in my ear that I was so worth loving and if he had half a mind, he would do it. But he knew that it was impossible. He kissed me on the cheek and told me to never pass up the chance for love and that if someone cant see what I was worth… then they are idiots. He turned and left, leaving me in a state of shock.

Bridgette came to me next. She stood there and looked at me with a soft and knowing smile. “You will be okay, Bel. I can see that you will survive the best way you know how. With strength and love and honor. Don’t let anyone take any of that away from you.” She leaned in and kissed me on the forehead before caressing my cheek. She signed to Xav that the package is on the transport and to make sure I took it. I was in tears at this point. I felt like I was losing my family all over again.

Xav helped me to the transport and we went down to Blackburne in silence. When we landed, he helped me to my apartment and set the package down on the bed. Slowly he turned to me and I could tell he was distraught.

“Baio-mei. When I met you, I wanted to kill you. It boiled in my blood. But then I learned who and what you were and I fell in love with you and realized that I could never kill you. You are my blood. My family. The only one I have left. And I wasn’t about to leave you. Remember if all else fails, Belize Mae, you have me. And I will move heaven and the stars to get to you.” He crossed the room and hugged me. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours. But when he finally let me go, it was only a few minutes. “Keep studying. Become that doctor. Be the best damned doctor anywhere. And I am happy you have a purpose on that ship. They are lucky to have you.” He kissed my cheek and forehead before he opened my hand and dropped key in it. “There is a house on Persephone. It’s ours. In my name and yours. Before my disappearance, I set up a will and left everything to you. The house is yours. It was the house our mothers grew up in.”

I closed my hand around the key and nodded a bit, still shocked and crying like a baby. He kissed my cheek one more time and smiled.

”Live your life, Baio-mei. We will see each other again. I promise. But in the meantime, just live your life.” With that, he turned and left. I gave myself awhile to calm down, laying on my bed and taking deep breaths to calm my heart and soul. I needed to find Immi… So I wiped my tears and headed out, looking for the next transport to Hale’s. 


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