Not Gone For Long

The ball was the most beautiful affair. Everyone was done up in such fine dresses. The dress Bridge got me seemed to pale in comparison. But it was wonderful to watch all my friends and family dance and celebrate the night.

Td and I danced a bit. And then he moved on to other untaken ladies in the room. I sat and watched and drank a martini or two and then some Green River water. Xav contacted me via cortex and said it was time. I went out and told him just one more hour. He smiled a knowing smile and patted my cheek.

“Baio-mei. Take as long as you need tonight. Just let me know when to come get you. Mind if I crash at your little pad while you have your fun?”

Besides my father, he has been the only other male I loved so much I knew I would die if he left. Boyfriends come and go, family is forever.

I went back and watched the pretty people dance, knowing that they were happy and content at that moment. I watched Immi dance and Td dance and for the first time in a very long time. I was content. And ready. When the hour was up, I contacted Xav.

Biao-ge, I am ready.

I went to my apartment and changed, he helped me out of the gown and wig which were given to me by Bridge, and we wrapped them up and took them with us to the transport.

I watched as Blackburne left behind me. I gazed out the window and touched my fingers along the shape of the beautiful rock I called my home. 

I will return, Blackburne. I promise. I have too much to live for now. Especially when Td and Immi asked me to be their medic on the ship… Im gonna be part of a crew. I will have a purpose. Serve a purpose. And with the rest of the crew, I will belong. Im not giving up too easily. 


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