I got dressed, finding a stocking cap that was given to me heavens knows when. I pulled it over my bald head and slipped my glasses on before pulling on a sweater, jeans and sneakers. I found a transport to Hale’s and took it. When I arrived I found Immi and a bunch of others in a meeting over by a launch pad. So I wandered over. Seems a Mr. Podwrangler Zapedzki was arranging for a group of folk to help him destroy a fleet of Alliance ships that have been shooting innocent transports out of the sky. Half the group left, mumbling something about it being too dangerous. The rest of us stayed. Immi saw me, and she looked angry enough. But it was also tinged with worry. I smiled weakly at her, knowing that she could yell at me all she wants.
The only ones left to do the job was Duncan, Pod, Immi, Amyla and I. I couldn’t handle a gun, but I was a medic. I volunteered and I think Immi got more irate at me for that fact.
The plan was to take over a destroyer and blow the ships out of the sky. Easy enough plan. Xav was gonna kill me when he finds out.
I bulked up. Keeping my medical belt and syringes on hand and we all headed to Shadow to meet up. I hoped I wouldn’t get in the way. When we met up finally, we all headed to the destroyer and boarded. It was a small group. Three or four. Duncan got shot up a bit, Nothing major. But we took them out. Odd that an Alliance destroyer had such little people on it. Amy and I jumped into the turrents and shot at the other ship. It was a success! Even the Alliance think we did a good job. They dont know it was us... but it seems the ships we blew up were a band of renegade Loyalists that were giving the Alliance a black eye. As if they didnt give themselves one.
If this was the way it was going to be with the Full Burn crew, I was all in! I liked the turrent.
I watched the looks Duncan was giving Immi. And I felt that something needed to be said. She had changed into a pretty dress and Duncan was giving her the doe eyes. So I asked him to follow me to the med pav. Immi followed much to my sadness so she had to hear what was going on.
I laid it on the table. Telling him that there couldn’t be anything between him and Immi. Immi loved Td. And it was cruel enough to have to put her through that heartache.
I think that… I should of kept my mouth shut.
Duncan left for a deep space mission. Not sure when he will show up again. If at all. And Immi blames herself so much, she’s not even answering cortex waves anymore.
I wish there was something I could do... without screwing it up further.
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