Another Notch in Her Belt...

If I arrive on your doorstep
Could you hold in the tears?
You let them go like falling stars
And passing through the years

You have to lose to really win
We both found out way too late
I'm running like I have no home
And all I can do now is sin

- Secondhand Girl – Shocking Pink

Belize looked down at the body with a look of unemotional quandary. Her eyes taking in the partial nakedness of the overweight, slovenly man who just minutes before had Bel pinned to the bed in her ship and tried to rape her. The man who traded sex for much needed supplies. Now, he was grey with green foam trickling out of his mouth, his pants wrapped around his ankle and his brown eyes staring out into nothing as he descended into his own personal hell. She felt the urge to kick him as she buttoned up her shirt, each button taking an eternity as she debated what to do.

She thought about what had happened before, her hand instinctively lifting to graze her fingers along her now swollen cheek and bloody lip. She pulled on her pants and looked at the airlock before down at the already swollen body. And she wondered idly if it was going to explode into a gooey mess all over her ship. So she tugged on his shoulders and hefted him into his own ship, dropping him near the cockpit while she got to work.

Sarge had taught her how to make bombs. Not huge bombs. Just big enough to cause bigger booms. So she had grabbed a few that she kept for “just in case” cases. This seemed like a “just in case” case. She set a few along the fuel lines and on the engine before setting one on him. She looked around for anything of importance and she hit on pay dirt. An envelope filled with money. She blinked at the amount and smirked as she slipped it into her shirt, Bel finally partaking in the urge and kicking him. Hard. Over and over in the crotch and chest. The whole time screaming at him at the top of her lungs, calling him very name she could think of.

She hurried back to her ship and closed the airlock, before jumping in her seat and taking off like a bat out of hell. She had set the charges for 15 minutes. She had 10 to go. She finally got far enough to turn around and watch the ship explode, a sense of release coming over her like a wave. It was only then she let herself lose control. She cried over the steering wheel as she thought about the events leading up to it all.

~ 1 hour earlier~

Otis Miley wasn’t the most sophisticated of men. He was rotund and red faced, constantly rubbing his nose along his sleeve and he smelled faintly of onions and sweat. Or maybe it was just sweat. His hair was barely there, tufts of black trailing along the back of his head. There seemed to be more on his body than his head. He talked like he had a brain, but Bel was pretty sure it was all an act.

She would have been glad to drop his acquaintance but he was able to get his hands on a lot of supplies that was hard to get in the verse. Namely the antibiotics that stop the infections from the Reaver’s weapons. She was in need of it after the night before and the excursion onto the asteroid that held the Reaver nest. Everyone got beat up pretty bad. Her included. She could still feel the bruising and stitches pull with every movement. She was sore as she could be. But she needed to make this trip. She just didn’t like how she had to pay.

She sat on the edge of the medical bed, a sheet wrapped around her naked form as she tried to ignore the scent of stale cigar and whiskey. She kept her eyes closed as she spoke. “My stuff is in my hold, right?” She glanced over at her shoulder at the disgusting man zipping up his fly and she shuddered at the memory of sacrifice.

“The stuff is there. Don’t worry your pretty little head about that.” He reached over and curled his fingers into her red locks and she pulled away before standing up.

“This is the last time, Miley. This isn’t going to happen again. I will find the stuff somewhere else.”

She felt the smack across her face even before she had a chance to know he had crossed over to stand in front of her. “Biaozi! You will do as I say or you will be blackballed among the traders and you will never get any of your precious medicine.” He snarled at her as he looked over her. He lifted her up by her hair and threw her back on the bed, the sheet falling off her as he dragged himself over her, pinning her legs down as he started to bite on her neck and shoulders, Bel wincing as he bites over the Reaver wounds from the night before. She looks up and notices a wayward syringe, recognizing the color of the serum inside. She grits her teeth as he paws at her breasts, his attention too focused on her body. She reaches up and grabs the syringe and in a quick move, stabs him in the neck and thrusting her thumb down on the plunger. She empties the green serum into his neck and he only had enough time to sit up and look at her in horror before she kicks him off her and he lands on the floor. His mouth starts foaming and he lays there still on the floor, gazing up at the ceiling.

“That’s what you get for not taking no for an answer.” She spits on him as she watches him slowly die. She was glad she mixed the paralyzing agent in the mix. Glad that he couldn’t even whimper as the pain from the mixture traveled from his jugular down into his system and finally to his heart. She knew the exact minute he died, his eyes went from pained to just there in a glassy eyed stare as she slid down to the floor and watched his body.


Belize wiped away the tears as she watched the ship disintegrate, hoping that there wont be an investigation. She didn’t want anyone finding out about this one. Hopefully it will be tacked on as an accident in space. Or even better, he won’t be missed. She slowly turned Nightingale around and headed back to Hale’s.


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