Me Against The World (A Narrative - Part 9)

I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I've got to prove them wrong
They'll never bring us down

We'll never fall in line
I'll make it on my own
Me against the world

- Me Against The World – Simple Plan

Belize stared up at the ceiling in her new little apartment on Hale’s, the tshirt and shorts almost not enough for the cool nights of the rock. She knew it was morning the way the sun peeked out from behind the thick curtains. She finally wrestled herself out of bed and wiped herself down before she got dressed in the leather pants and black and blue checkered vest. After wrestling with her boots, she laid back on the couch and relaxed while she stared at the front door.

In here, she was safe. No heart breaking decisions. No contact with despair or depression. And no contact with sorrow and sadness. She debated with herself for what seemed like hours, but her cortex beeped and alas, it was only a couple minutes. She picked it up and read the message.

Good… Xaviar is swinging by for a brief visit before heading off to Jubilee. This will give her time to discuss the Third Sister incident. See what he thought. Get his advice.

She typed in a short reply before finally getting up and heading out the door, careful to lock her door and stuffing her keys into her bag before heading around the corner to Seana’s office. She had business to discuss. Time to put down real roots. Stay and not leave. Keep her busy and so forth. She saw her bus as she moved closer to the office and she sighed happily. Looked like the old gal is doing well. She will dust off the engine here soon.

She wandered up the stairs and found Sea at the desk, hunched over some paperwork. Even when she was doing paperwork, she looked calm and serene. She looked up as if Bel made a sound and smiled brightly.

”Hey Bel!”

Bel smiled at her and walked over to give the smaller woman a hug. She felt safe and warm with Sea and Sabrina. Each one making her feel happy and content. Between her and Sarah, Bel knew that she always had a ear to bend and a shoulder to cry on.

“Well, Sis. Got your wish, Im here to stay. Now, where do I set up office?” She said this jokingly, knowing that Gallagher… as absent as he was lately, was still the rock doctor. So it surprised her when Sea spoke.

“Box up Gallagher’s stuff and take over. He’s gone all the time. Im sure he will understand. You are dedicated and willing to stay. He’s got his adventures to take care of.”

Bel blinked a bit before smiling brightly. “Well, I can bounce back and forth from here to Blackburne with no problem. I am at your service.” She salutes before sitting down and crossing her legs.

“So… Lily is still alive, Aurora is missing and Im here to stay. Wonder what you are going to put in the paper, Sea?” She chuckled as she leaned back in her seat before turning to look out the large windows that looked out into Hale’s busiest street.

“How are you doing, Bel?” She could hear the concern in her voice even if she wasn’t looking at the pintsized ball of thunder that worked her way into Bel’s heart. Sea and Sabrina had become her sisters almost immediately. Standing back with worried hearts as Bel went through the darkest moments of her life… well, this time.

“I think I am getting better, Sis. You know? One day at a time and all that. When I was on Persephone, I would stand out on the balcony of the house Mom grew up in and watch the men and women come and go. Hand in hand, arm in arm. And I would wonder… what made him fall in love with her. What was it about that particular woman that made his heart fall into her hands with such ferocity that he would kill or die for her?” She takes a deep breath as she watched a flyer move across the street, the paper wafting in the invisible breeze while she tried to find the words.

“Oh, guys will say that they don’t know why. Sometimes the heart just… knows. But I could never believe that. There had to be something. Something that lit that spark. Eyes, hair, build. Was she smart? Courageous? Dark and mysterious? Bright and joyful? Did she have a large family? Or small one? Or no family at all? You cant just fall in love with someone without knowing them fully. Their wants and desires. Their fears and loves. Love isn’t just… love at first sight. Love is knowing this person so much that you know what they want before they even say it. Know what they need before they even need it. Two halves of a whole.”

She turned in her chair and smiled at Sea, the look of calm and serenity and finally… for the first time in almost half a year, she felt content and happy. And so full of knowledge she felt her body begin to burst with it.

“And then I realized. Everyone has half a soul. Half a heart. You have Sabrina. Nack… well, he’s just a lucky SOB that has both Laur and Lorie. And then Chol has Amy.” She shakes her head and smiles at Sea with a knowing smile. “Mine is out there, Sea. I know it. But they are not going to find me if I keep running off. They will show up. They will fly in and complete my heart. They will be deserving of me. They will deserve my love, my heart, my soul, my trust and my knowledge. And when that day comes, Sea. I will find happiness so pure that no one will recognize me. And there will be no fear of him ever leaving my side because, Sea… he will hurt just as much if not more to even leave my side.”

And for the first time in months she believed it. She believed every minute. And when she looked at Sea, she saw that she knew it too. Both women smiling goofily at each other. “Its just me against the world, Sea.”


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