A Brief Reunion

Maybe if my heart stops beating
It won't hurt this much
And never will I have to answer
Again to anyone

Please don't get me wrong because...

I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you

One day you'll get sick of
Saying that everything's all right
And by then I'm sure I'll be
Pretending just like I am tonight

- Never Let This Go – Paramore

Bel stood at the spot she told Xaviar she would be meeting him at, excitement bubbling in her like a teapot ready to explode. She missed her cousin so much. She couldn’t wait to see him again. She looked up as she heard the engine of a large ship and she smiled, covering her eyes from the sun while it slowly descended. It seemed like eons, but when the ship finally landed, Bel got on the scooter that Nina gave her and headed over to meet her adopted family.

First one out of the hull was Bridgette. She had cut her hair and the short black tendrils fanning around her face as she bounced along the sand before finally nearly tackling Bel. She leaned back and signed to her, hands so fast that Bel had to tell her to slow down.

“Oh Bel!” She signed. “I missed you so much. Everyone has! We had so much fun on Deadwood. Maggie’s parents were so nice and they gave us all kinds of supplies. I think I will be baking all kinds of things for this crew.”

Bel looked over her shoulder and smiled as she saw everyone else wander over and when Bel saw Xaviar, she almost burst into tears. She missed him so much.

When Bridgette noticed Bel’s gaze, she turned and smiled, getting out of the way before the taller red head could run her over.

Bel ran. So hard and so fast that she felt like she was flying. She tackled Xaviar and hugged him tight, arms wrapped around his shoulders as she started crying into his neck. His arms wrapped around her tightly as he started to shh her. Rubbing along her back while she took in his warmth and scent and familiarity.

She could hear the concerned whispers around her as she clung to Xaviar, holding onto him while she tried to calm down. She missed him so much she could barely think straight.

When she finally looks up, the first set of eyes she sees is Logan’s. She smiles at him then slides down Xaviar before rubbing her eyes and looking around.

Everyone engulfed her, wrapping arms and ruffling her short hair as she hugged and greeted this rag tag band of pirates she called her family. She ran back to her bike and brought back the gifts she got for everyone. Blushing as she handed Logan the framed picture of herself on Persephone. Jared took a picture of her helping a little girl with a teddy bear. The teddy bear “broke” his little leg and she was beside herself thinking her little friend was hurting. Bel had told her that hugs is always a good way to make a friend feel better. And after carefully wrapping the little teddy bear’s leg, she led the little girl to the cafeteria. The shot was of Bel, looking down at the pretty little blond girl, a teddy bear complete with leg bandages, clutched in the little arms. Their hands clutched to each other while Bel led her away.

He looked at the photo before looking back at Bel. “Thank you, Bel.” He hugged her tight and kissed her cheek before whispering in her ear. “I will treasure this always.”

Bel blushed harder as she smiled at Logan. “Its to remind you that everyone has a good heart, Logan. You just have to remember to open up yours to see it.” She kisses his cheek back before turning to Bridgette.

The package was small, inside a silver necklace with a medium sized oval locket. Engraved on the back is… More of a Sister than I could Hope For.. Inside, a picture of the three of them… Xaviar, Bel and Bridgette, hamming it up to the camera as JJ took the shot.

“Thank you, Bel.” Bridgette hugged her tight before slipping the necklace around her neck, sniffling back silent tears as she looked at Xaviar.

Bel handed Maggie a box before whispering into her ear. “Open it while you are alone. I am sure you will know exactly what to do with it.” She smiled as she winked at the pilot before handing Plumb a bottle of Blackburne Gin. “Special edition, Belize Gin. Don’t ask how its named. Just enjoy it and have fun.” She chuckles as she moves over to JJ and hugs him tight. She hands him a set of brand new tools. Something she picked up from Persephone. He seemed overjoyed and hugged her before running back into the ship to put them into his bunk. She refuses to think of what he does with the tools, instead she turns to Xaviar.

“May we… speak alone?” He nods as the others drift back onto the ship, leaving Bel and Xaviar alone to talk by the ship.

“You got my message?”

“Yes… about the third sister. Your guess is as good as mine. Must of happened before I was born or shortly thereafter when I wouldn’t remember much.” He rubbed his now beard stubble chin as she looked up at him.

“What do we do, Xaviar? I want more family. But… this is too much for me. I don’t know what to do or how to react to this.” She kicked at the sand before looking at him. “Do I follow through? Or do I leave it alone and not even think about it? What do I do?”

He stood there and rubbed Bel’s back as he thought about it. “This is something that will affect mostly you, Bel. What is your gut reaction? What do you want to do? Not what you think is best. But what is best for you?”

Bel leaned her head on his chest while she thought about it, teeth worrying against her bottom lip while she took in deep breaths. “To remain quiet. To keep this a secret and not think about it. To go on as if it never happened.” She looks up at Xaviar and he nods with a smile.

“Then that is your answer. Because how you feel wont change when everyone knows. Do what is best for you, Belize.” He kisses her forehead before looking down at her. “You cut your hair again.”

She reaches up and fingered the really short tendrils while she nods. “Yes… At this rate, I will never be beautiful with long hair.” She chuckled nervously as she glances up at him.

”Hush… you are beautiful and amazing and everything a guy would ever want. I mean, how many guys have their own walking first aid kit?” He laughed as she punched him on the shoulder.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a journal. One she found among her mother’s. “Mother wrote this. After she left Persephone. It’s a book of letters. Unsent letters to you… to your mom… to Grandfather. Everyday for a year. I thought you… would like it.” She handed the old leatherbound book to Xaviar with a smile as she looked up at him.

He took it and looked at it before looking down at Bel. “Thank you, Bel.” He looked as though he was about to cry. But he leaned down and kissed her cheek. He sighed as he looked over at the door and noticed Plumb was there.

“I have to go, hon. Heading to Jubilee. Plumb heard of an opportunity and we have to take it before it falls down the tubes.” He leans over and kisses her sweetly on the forehead. “Take care of yourself, Bel. Love you so much and Miss you so much.” He grins. “Next time we swing by, we will have to steal you for the wedding.”

“Wedding! You and… Bridge!?” She hugged him as he nodded and she smiles brightly. “Oh… good. Don’t make me wear anything too frou frou, okay?” He laughed as he ruffled her hair. “Don’t count on that. Bridgette is all about the satin and bows.”

With a final goodbye, Bel jumped on her bike and backed up, watching as Xaviar and Bridge and everyone she loved lifted off. She watched until they disappeared into the atmosphere and she rubbed her cheek to soak in all the love from every kiss she got.

With a soft smile, she pulls down her goggles and heads back to Nina’s and her ship, decisions made about everything she needed.

(Note from Player : I feel so much better writing in a third person. So from here... the narratives now become standard. Everything will be written in the third person. Thanks!!)


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