A Long Distance Dedication

Note From Player:

Lately over the past few months, I have had to endure alot of drama towards the player. Some from people who realize they did wrong and others who just plain got a hair up their ass. This weekend, it came to a head with someone yelling at me for something I had nothing to do with. I felt horrible after awhile, but I talked to some people and they all said the same. Adults make choices. Not my fault they chose to leave. It is their choice. They will have to deal with that when the time comes. And to accuse someone else of doing so is not only heartless but incredibly childish. So... as something I have been doing lately to those that have fucked me over... this song goes out to two certain people. THey know who they are. And they probably dont read this so this is more or less my declaration that I will NOT be anyone's doormat anymore.

- Bel and her player...

Something's on my mind
It's been for quite some time
This time I'm on to you
So where's the other face?
The face I heard before
Your head trip's boring me

Let's nuke the bridge we torched
2,000 times before
This time we'll blast it all to hell
I've had this burning in my guts now
for so long
My belly's aching now to say

Stuck down in a rut of dislogic and smut
A side of you well hid
When it's all said and done
it's real and it's been fun
But was it all REAL fun

Let's nuke the bridge we torched
2,000 times before
This time we'll blast it all to hell
I've felt this burning in my guts now
for so long
My belly's aching now to say

to say...

You're just... a fuck,
I can't explain it 'cause I think you suck.
I'm take-
-in pride
in telling you to fuck off and die.

I've had this burning in my guts now
for so long
My belly's aching now to say
I'm taking pleasure in the doubts
I've passed to you
So listen up 'cause you might miss...

You're just... a fuck,
I can't explain it 'cause I think you suck.
I'm take-
-in pride
in telling you to fuck off and die.

Good night....

- F.O.D - Green Day


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