Starting Anew

You thought you could hold me down.
Making me think I was in the wrong.
You thought you would come out on top.
Singing that same ol’ not me song.

Everything you did and everything you do,
Could never compare to what is now.
Being your doormat and letting you win,
Is one thing I will never allow.

You think we are good, but that is not true.
The same old situation comes back into view.
You hurt me, and killed what we had at the start.
And now I am walking away to begin anew.

Im tired of playing the ying to your yang.
Im tired of following in a shadow too dark.
Im walking away before it’s too late.
Im ready to start making my own giant mark.

- Hold Me Down – Player…

Belize sat at Fook’s and carefully blew the steam off her tea. She had acquired the tea from a traveling companion. The pretty brunette had a wide range of specially blended teas from all over the ‘verse. When Bel had heard this, she had simply bought a stash and had Sobi make sure to put it aside just for her. The smell of jasmine wafting around her face and making her sigh in relaxation. She takes a careful sip, letting the brew warm her while she glances over at Seana and Sabrina, the two grinning at each other with so much love it makes her think that there is a real chance for her out there.

She listened to the muted sounds of engines coming and going, the chatter of the patrons around her as they communed and made business. The light sounds of music as it soothed tempers and helped the dancers twirl around the poles and wiggle on stage. The sound of coins hitting the bottom of tip jars reminding her of rain hitting the tin roof of her family hut.

She had done a lot of reflecting the past week or so. A lot of rollercoaster rides and with the attempted rape, she didn’t know where else to go or do. She watched Seana and Sabrina with affection. Smiling as they looked at each other and she knew who she could trust to tell. Her new sayasis.

With her new determination to tell Sabrina and Seana, Bel sat back and thought about Immi. She didn’t feel remorse or sadness when she thought about that last day she saw her. In fact, she didn’t feel much of anything. She had told her about their mothers being sisters. And how that they were family. She didn’t regret telling her. It was what she would do with the information that would determine what happens next. Right after, she contacted Xaviar and told him. After a few questions, they mutually made the decision to withdraw the money in one account and put it all under her aunt’s name. She had never met her. But she knew that she would use it better than anyone could.

She also made contact with an acquaintance and told them what she wanted. The job was simple. And the person would be paid heftily if they succeeded. All they had to do was deliver a message. Deliver and leave. Bel was certain this particular person would do the job exactly how she wanted it.

The sound of laughter brought her back to the present and she looked down to find her tea gone. She chuckled to herself before looking over at Seana and Sabrina. They were looking at her with worried expressions and she nodded before leaning over and telling them about Otis Miley.


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