Closed Doors

I’m running fast but getting nowhere
I see the light but I never get there
I hope I wake when the morning gets here
your love is like a nightmare

feed me lies and cover with a smile of grace
promise me the truth and I’ll be saved
take away the pain and make my heart be brave
comfort me forever, I’m your slave

I know there will be a price to pay
I’ll feel the guilt tomorrow but I’m numb today
I’m dreaming.

- Nightmare – Black Rain

The smell of stale cigar and whiskey was overpowering, she could feel fingers dig into her skin and the hot, offensive breath fan across her face. She wrestled with the large man, kicking, biting and screaming. Finally escaping him and running down a long hallway, each side with endless doors that went on forever. She opened the first one and saw Seana and Sabrina; dancing together and embraced in a lover’s hug. She yelled at them, screaming for help. But they didn’t even look up. She ran to the next door and flung it open, standing and watching as Aurorablue and Lily played, each one as childlike as the other. She yelled for help but they continued to play, tossing a ball and chasing after it.

Every door was the same, everyone she loved not hearing her screams for help. Except for the last one. She flung it open and saw Immi. Standing there and looking at her. A smile crossing her face. She was dressed in a wedding gown and looked as ethereal as ever. Bel screamed at her… “Immi! Help! Please… please help me.” Bel fell to her knees but Immi just looked at her and smiled. It was then she noticed Duncan. He was dressed in a suit and he walked over to Immi and looked down at Bel while he took Immi’s hand. They laughed at her before turning around and walking off. Ignoring the sounds of Bel’s screams as sweaty hands wrapped around her waist and dragged her through the door, the door slamming behind them and shutting off Bel’s screams.

Bel woke up with a start, her body covered in sweat and a scream hanging on her lips as she looked around frantically. She was shaking like a leaf, her eyes wide as she took in her surroundings.

“He’s dead. It was a nightmare. He’s dead. He’s dead.” She whispered to herself as she curls up, wrapping her arms around her legs and burying her face into her knees, body shaking as she cried. She squeezed her eyes shut, ignoring the pain from her wounds while she tried to calm down. This one was worse than the last. The last one didn’t have… friends… family.

She had to sleep. This was the second night. She got up and walked over to her medical bag and pulled out an empty syringe. She fills it with sedative as she thinks to herself just how much she needed. She sat on the edge of the bed before she injects herself, Bel immediately feeling the warmth fill her and her eyes droop. She drops the empty syringe on the floor before curling up in bed again, her thoughts trying to trail over to something more peaceful before she finally gets some needed sleep…


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