
(Past Thoughts)

Diversion, she said. Td and I had to cause a diversion. I didn’t know what Seana had up her sleeve or what she thought Td and I could do, but I suppose there was only one only option. One only alternative.

Lover’s quarrel.

I couldn’t stop my heart from beating hard and fast in my chest. I swore Td could hear it as we stood across the street from where Immi was being held. I held my breath and looked up at Td as he nodded then I exhaled it and stormed off into the street.

It was supposed to be fake. Every feeling. But it all came out. Every feeling. I told him everything. Fiercely. Every feeling and every hurt he caused by leaving me. Then going to Immi.

I loved them both. But this broke my heart. I felt I could never feel it beat again. But here I was, in the middle of a street, screaming at him. Telling him how I nearly died.

And he… just stood there. And then he tried to calm me as I stood there blubbering and screaming in the street. Every fiber in my body was razor sharp. He grabbed me and I just continued to yell. I could feel his hands tighten around my arms and I could see the worry in his eyes… but I let him have e4very thought I had since that day.

But when he shook me, it was like… every emotion concerning it just melted away. Left to puddle with the filth and grime. And for the first time in months. I felt pure. And I felt my heart beat again. And it didn’t hurt. It didn’t make me stop breathing and I looked up at Td and smiled.

This look of confusion and sadness crossed his features as he smiled and that is when we heard Seana’s all clear through our links. I looked around and noticed everyone was watching us. So many military and police and civilians. And I wasn’t embarrassed.

Td curled me up into his arms and took me back to the ship. I felt weak. Reborn. And I told him. I had to. And he nodded. He knew. And just like that… It was over. My misconceptions about him and Immi were gone. Like the trash in a gutter.

Td let me down when we got to the ship and I walked onboard. But it turned into a full blown run when I saw Immi. I may have lifted her off her feet as I hugged her. Resting my head on her shoulder, I held her close and didn’t want to let her go. She was real and I wasn’t dreaming.

I had my sister back.


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