Unpredictable (A Narrative - Part 3)

“Annihilation has no terrors for me, because I have already tried it before I was born a hundred million years and I have suffered more in an hour, in this life, than I remember to have suffered in the whole hundred million years put together. There was a peace, a serenity, an absence of all sense of responsibility, an absence of worry, an absence of care, grief, perplexity; and the presence of a deep content and unbroken satisfaction in that hundred million years of holiday which I look back upon with a tender longing and with a grateful desire to resume, when the opportunity comes.”

-Mark Twain

She sat in her apartment and looked up at the ceiling, frowning some while she thought about the days past. Her feet were propped up on the coffee table and there was a glass of wine in her hand. She had forgiven Immi and Duncan. She actually felt at peace. An almost perfected serenity washed over her while she sipped the wine, thinking of the past days, and wondering what it all meant to her. There wasn’t much to think about. Just two big things and several insignificant.

Lily was dead. Died while giving birth to AuroraBlue Littleboots. One gold cats eye and one eerie blue eye. Wild blond hair that seems to whip around her face and the energy of a starship sailing across the skies. Her intelligence is off the scales yet she has the mentality of a child.

She didn’t know what to think, her brows furrowed in thought as she sipped the wine, her eyes wandering over the room she calls her home for now. She felt unease watching the child run around, introducing herself to everyone. Barely two days old and able to run and walk and talk and think. Each day growing in some way or another. And Bel couldn’t help but realize that it scared her. Lily had scared her, and now… AuroraBlue scares her. When she sees them, she sees something that could kill you… then giggle over a piece of chocolate just mere minutes later. Unstable would be one thing that comes to mind. But that is not it.


The word flew at her like a knife and she frowned at the thought of it. Unpredictable. What would this child do to the town if she threw a tantrum? What would happen to a person if she got it in her head that someone was an enemy, but wasn’t. She thought about Xaviar and realized he was safe, along with Bridgette and Maggie and JJ and Plumb.

And Logan. She thought a lot about him these days. How he held her when she cried and how he told her to get over it. She felt the same warmth and compassion from him as she felt from Sarah. Just… more male. She felt a tug and she closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the wine wash over her as she thought about warm arms holding her and warm breath kissing along her jaw.

Her eyes snapped open and she shook her head before reaching over and setting her wine on the counter. She had lied to everyone. Said she was barren. Sterile. Unable to have children. It was partially true. She had been injecting herself with hormone shots for months now. The one part of her that was easy to control. Suppressing the urge to mate, to be with another man in that capacity. Normally it works. Lately its been a ball of chaos. Because she realized her wants changed from hormones to mental and she couldn’t control mental. Not after that serum did to her.

She pulled out the right vial and a syringe and put in the 3mm of clear liquid before slowly injecting it into her shoulder. After tossing the syringe into the compactor, she cleaned up the wine and then undressed for bed, picking a dark emerald green top and green shorts. She washed off all her makeup and set her glasses on the end table before climbing into bed. She curled up under the covers and closed her eyes, letting the days and nights wash away. Hoping that tonight she will dream a good dream. Something she hasn’t done in ages.


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