I Will Give Everything And More...

I stared in shock at the cortex message Seana showed me. My blood ran cold… and I couldn’t think. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I paced along the office before I turned and looked at Seana.

“I have several million credits as my inheritance that Xaviar gave me. And I have a house on Persephone. It’s all yours to give. Get her back. Get her back now… please.”

I dropped down on a chair and started crying. I cried for Immi… for Td… for Duncan and my feelings for him… for every one I cared about.  

Dear Goddess of the Stars, I prayed… Please… please help Immi. Keep her safe… keep her sane. Bring her back to us. Please.. please please.. I prayed hard, crying and leaning down in the seat while I tried not to fall apart..

I couldn’t lose her now.. Not when my family was whole again…

 Lily barged in. Acting like a spoiled brat. Acting as if the whole world revolved around her. She didn’t care about Immi. I doubt she cared about anyone.

I slammed my key onto the desk and looked at Seana. "You have my house... all my inheritance. Get Immi back. Anyway you know how. I will give you all I have and more."

And then Lily blamed my cousin. Who is on Deadwood. The man who is more innocent of anything that Ben Bigboots has ever done. And all I could think of was how childish she was. 

And I slapped her. And I ran. I hid behind some crates and just cried. Cried until I couldn’t breath. Cried until my chest hurt. Cried for my best friend.

Oh Immi… please be safe. Please come back. 


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